Monday, August 23, 2010

Ol' Gus

Captain Augustus "GUS" McRae, Texas Ranger
Born Feb. 6, 1996. Died Aug. 21, 2010.
May he rest in peace.


tandtsmom said...

First of all, so sorry about your dog. Those creatures can bring such love into our loves. Second, I just recently picked up blogging again and noticed you left a comment on my blog sometime last year. You mentioned you graduated from New Hope in '89 and that is the year my brother, Chris Reeves, graduated!!! Small world, huh? Anyway, I apologize for my rudeness in not responding but I honestly did not see the comment until today. Hope all is well in Montana and look me up on facebook if you have a FB acct. My brother is on there as well. Will try to check in on your blog from time to time. Rachel Reeves Manchester

Arynn Ramly said...

sorry for your lost....he kinds such a cute dog....hope you get a new one...just for a suggestion...

yuyuyu said...

so lazy dog