Friday, January 28, 2011


Yesterday I was surfing the Internet and happened to find out that Toby Mac was in concert this weekend in a city about 7 hours from here. (In Montana, that's close!) So, I checked with my hubby to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything glaring that should keep me home this weekend.


So, since it is my daughter's 11th birthday tomorrow, we got tickets, booked a room and we are headed out for an all-girl road trip and concert!!!

A little spontaneity is good for the soul. It keeps life fresh, and creates memories that a planned out event might not.

So many responsibilities can bog us down, and being bogged down makes life so dull. So stay alert to possibilities that offer a just-do-it-right-now opportunity!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Spontaneity is the spice of life!