Monday, March 28, 2011

40 Life Lesson I've Learned in 40 Years #8

Life Lesson #8: Journaling is a great tool to enhance your life, and adding art to your pages is even better. You learn so much about yourself through journaling, and self-awareness is an important personal attribute to attain. Secondly, your experiences are observed more closely and thought about more deeply when you are putting them on paper. It forces you to take your time, slow down, notice the little things. Bring a pencil, some watercolors, and your favorite pens on vacations, hikes, ballgames, and even trips to the coffee shop. Also, you get to relive the experiences as often as you want when you look back on your journals. Another great bonus is that your children and grandchildren will have a personal part of your life experience told from your own hand. Wouldn't you love to have your grandparents' journals?

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