Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Present (aka: gift)

I don't know why it is so hard to live in the present. Truthfully, it's all we have. I logically know this, but, alas, my mind habitually wanders to the future -- dreaming, expecting, analyzing, planning, fearing...

The dreaming part isn't so bad. Dreaming is a healthy activity, until it gets out of hand and leads to disappointment, resentment, even fearing. And it can.

These future concerns are unrealistic and they rob us of our present joy. We should steep ourselves in gratitude for our blessings. We should emanate our joy to those around us. And that's impossible when we are stuck in the future, the unknown, which doesn't even exist.

I love the Serenity Prayer, the motto of anonymous alcoholics everywhere. Although I never touch alcohol (I'm allergic), I raise a toast and sing a resounding, "AMEN!"

We have to find our groove and go with it, surrendering the rest to God. He's in control anyway, whether we worry or not. The longer we resist the groove, the longer it will take to find our true bliss.

But I'm a slow learner.

My friend Audrey tells me to try and turn the mind chatter into a prayer every time it attempts to steal our present (our gift). She's a pretty smart woman!

Maybe the instruction to "pray without ceasing" is a call to be in the present. To enjoy the gift.


HC said...

We often don't live in the present because when we look in the mirror, we don't like what we see. The only solution, is to change the image we see. I think your friend Audrey is right. God can and does answer prayers. Don't let Satan steal your joy. As a young woman, you are gaining great insight into God's plan for you. Keep writing.

Lori said...

When are you starting your own blog, Uncle H?

HC said...

I am not sure that bloging (putting one's thoughts into words, my definition),is one of my gifts. For now I will learn from those of you who have that gift, and try to respond when I can. Keep up the good work, I love to read your thoughts.
