Saturday, January 10, 2009

Spiritual Direction/Life Coaching

I'm going to visit with my spiritual director today. His name is Tom King, and he lives in Missoula. He and his wife were two of the people who started the Good Food Store there several years ago. He's very cool, and I'm pretty sure he's an angel.

I only learned what a spiritual director is a few months ago. He or she is a person who listens and helps you discern what God is doing in your life and prays with you accordingly.

I have considered becoming a spiritual director myself. Either that or a life coach. I've read dozens of books on the subjects. I'm sure I could considered myself qualified for the job, since I have been studying the subject of life coaching for years.

A life coach is a person who helps you to get "unstuck" in your life. She helps you to figure out your potential and your goals, and then helps you to get on the path toward them.

I feel like that is my gift. I love to encourage people. It is my passion. To help women discover their potential and live their biggest, most authentic lives.

I also have an interest in creative expression. I believe that an outpouring of our own creativity can tell us so much about ourselves. In the appropriate circumstance, I would employ creative expression with a coaching client to help her tap into her gifts and longings and fears. It works. I've done it. In fact, I do it.

My practice is called Soul Arts. So what would I call myself? A Creative, Spiritual Life Coach?

Well, whatever you want to call me, I'm taking appointments! If you feel like you need encouragement or if you feel "stuck" in your life, give me a call.

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